Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's over (Prime.)

We finished Future Melbourne today so here are some pictures.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I forgot to post my resreach so I'm doing it now.

Hey Chapies, I was reserached armour and such for our second life project but totally forgot to post it here. I kinda now didn't need it as we weren't able to make any power armour for our town due to the time limit. Maybe next time, eh?

Any here's what I got, first some images of old school armour that I was going to base my power armour off.

And here's some power armour from video games (including 2nd Life.)

Well here's to next year.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Melbourne is coming

Well with only a class or two to finish, Melbourne coming along fairly well, Here's what I've added to the uni, a bottomless pit for anyone who wishes to complain.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The start of Baron Von Evil's Uni

Hey fools, just figured I show you what I've been working on in second life.

Taa-da! It's the Baron Von Evil's University of bad doing. I've got the shape down, but I need to add the sign, a lift and a trap door.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The History of Melbourne.

Hey fools. I wrote up a brief history of melbourne fo our second life project. I've tried to inclued parts of everyone short stories they wrote last week.

History of Melbourne (2046-2051).


In was in 2046 when the element Vanomite was first made, which in its natural form looked like a dark green ooze. It was a power chemical designed to use in genetic science to help cure diseases and fatal wounds. However the current Prime Minister, Charles Green, believed that Vanomite could be used to enhanced Australia’s armed forces, so set up a massively funded project to create a new kind of soldier.

The creation of the Kellys.

The project start with little success. The genetic creatures that were created weren’t able to fit the standard that Charles wanted, so were exterminated, (although so were rumored to escape.) The first real genetic soldiers that were created that pass standards were the Hoplites and the Song Vipers. The Hoplites, cloned from the greatest football and rugby player, were 8-feet tall close combat warriors designed to be shock troopers, while the Song Vipers, cloned from Australia’s most poisons snakes and community theater performers, were designed to be infiltrators and assassins, armed with great flexibly and poisonous fangs. However due to the honorable nature of the Hoplites and unpredictable mind set of the song vipers, they made infective regular soldiers. The miliary were finally able to create the perfect regular soldier in 2047, dubbed the Kelly, after the power armour they would be given. They were already created with the knowledge of combat, as well enhanced scenes and healing, yet they could easily be mistaken for humans, both in appearance and in personality.

The bitter ministers.

The prime minister had focused a large percentage of the budget into creating his new elite soldiers and little for anything. The states began to argue other which one of them decried the rest of the budget. Arguments quickly turned into hatred as each state began to build up it’s own army. People pleased to the Prime Minister to stop this rival before something broke out, but he had no interested in inferring. It only seem to be a matter of time before broke out.

A national divided.

It was on the eve of 2048 when the Prime Minister simply vanished, even to year 2051 people do not know what happened to him. With the leader gone, each of the state minister demanded that they should become the new Prime Minister, even if they had to use force. On the 3rd of January, 2048 the states decided war on each other.

We’re happy little Vanomen.

It was a year into the war and little had been achieved from any one of the states. Each state had taken heavy loses in their genetical enhanced soldiers and it soon looked like that the civil war would be over due to lack of troops, when a new kind of trooper, only known as the Happy Little Vanomen offend their services to each nations. The Vanomen were genetical similar to the Kellys, however where they differentiate was that Vanomen could be created from human volunteers (willing or other wises,) unlike the Kellys would were grown from test tubes, and that the Vanomen lacked human emotions like love, pity or even the idea of friendship. The public criticized that the Vanomen were as unAustralian as you get, but bitterly the Ministers accepted the Vanomen terms, giving them funds and ‘volunteers’ in exchange for fighting for them.

God’s missile.

Perhaps out of great irony, the war was ended when each capital was stuck with a malfunctioning missile that failed to kill anyone. It was unsure where the missiles came from, but each one stuck a office building in the middle of each capital cities. Armed with Vanomite based virus, they were designed to wipe out whole states. However the missile had gained intelligence, and had modified the virus to recreate the office dwellers into a new species of humans with psionic powers over machines to prove they could. The workers abandon their old ways of life and became the tech mages, worshiping the bombs as gods and carrying out their wills.

Divined states.

With unknown missile striking so deep into their cities, the States Ministers all agreed that they needed to end the war, before another missile bombardment could caught them off guard, however due to them unable to choose a leader, it was declared that each state would become it’s own nation, with each state unable to hold rule other another. And so on January the 1st 2050 the war came to an end.

Disbanded soldiers.

With the war over, many of the genetical created soldiers quickly found themselves out of work as each of the states moved the focus of the budget to rebuilding their new nations. The hoplites took control of the abandoned football stations turning them into bloody combat arenas fighting one another for their holy grail while the Song Vipers took shelter in the gallery and theaters, often causing great finical damage for what they called art. The few Kellys that were left became mercenaries, selling their skills to highest bidder, or even like the famous Baron Von Evil of Melbourne offered to train their skills to those willing to pay the prices. For the Vanomen, the end of the war was the worst thing that could happen to them as they no longer had a solid income. They fled into the bush land to rebuild their forces.

Melbourne in madness.

William So, great grandson of John So of the So Dynasty, became lord of Victoria in 2050 at the age 18, after his old brother and former minister, Gray So fall in battle. His family bloodline’s history of being the people the bros gave the people of Victoria hope, but even his reputation was unable to stop the violence the still thrived after the world. All of Australia’s former states had falling into infighting and crime, as rogue war bands and criminals roamed the outer suburbs and town. Even Melbourne wasn’t safe from the lawlessness, even with it’s new line of caging robots, as tram racing gangs roamed the streets and pirates dwelled in the Yarra.


With increase of price for fuel, more and more people had to rely on public transport to get about their daily business. This is with a man know as Neil, a former Tech Mage exiled from their order, stepped in with a train company know as ‘Killex.’ Using his Tech Mage powers he had from the dead, half-cyborg zombies know as the helpers, designed to be as unhelpful as possible and using Cager robot technology and the brains from the most evil killer from the Australian civil war, he created the ‘Inspectors,’ large mechanical beings that took joy bullying anyone who needed to use the train system, human or vending machine robot, and then executing them in the most bloody was possible should they not pay up. Neil seemed to take sadist joy in making as many people as he could late and by taking as much money from them as he could.

The raise of the Knighthood.

When the train service became too pricey for most people, the citizens of Melbourne had to use the yarra to get to work. But with the increasing amount of pirates in the river, it soon became more too dangerous to make a boat to work. It wasn’t until a bum know as Jacob found the lost underwater casino of the Yarra. The lost casino was built in 2038 as a private area for Melbourne’s top mobsters and was believed to be lost in the war. With the aid of an aged wander, Jacob claimed the casino as his own, along with the former Don boss’ famous weapon, the Tommiemore, and founded the Knighthood, the new Victorian Mob. Using the money he made he was able to able build up a mighty armada of boats and armed cars to give protection to those willing to pay the large prices.

The Vanomen plot.

As each state was being more and more lawless, the Vanomen had been rebuilding their forces. They had send diplomats to each of the capital cities, offering to bring law and order to the states in exchange for giving the Vanomen great political power. The lords of each states were now faced with a great problem, let their new nations fall into infighting or give the extremis Vanomen what they want.

The Uprising.

But behind the golden words of peace and law, the Vanomen had already preformed horrible acts. Without anyway to contact the larger cities, the smaller towns of former Australia were taken quickly taken over by the Vanomen by force. Subjects were taken, people were looted and if the town proved unhelpful, the town was put to torch. Many of the escapees of the Vanomen’s warpath fled to the major cities and plead the lords, the Vanomen’s diplomats were able to convince the lords that these acts were due to outlaws posing as them and any words these country folk should not be taking to heart. So the Uprising was formed, deterred to get revenge on the Vanomen, they strike at them hoping to disrupt their ties with the lords.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

An article from The Totally Bitchin' Age. (My story for class.)

Everyone in class need to write a piece showing the everyday life of Melbourne, so I wrote a newspaper article explaining the different factions in the city. Enjoy.

An Article taken from The Totally Bitchin’ Age, on the 3rd of September 2051:

By Atomic Top Hat.

On September 5, 2051, the Happy Little Vanomites, the military origination in trusted with enforcing peace between the states and the Australian population, will officially begin its ‘disrupters extermination’ program, in what they believe will help keep the peace as the first anniversary of the states war rapidly approaches. “Each house hold will receive a package containing a refrigerator magnet containing a list of groups of individuals that are a treat to the peace and phone numbers good citizens can call if they see said individuals performing anti-social actives.” General Peak, commander of the HLV stated. “Citizens should not heritage to call it loved ones or relatives. To not do so for such feeble ideas such as ‘mate ship,’ will only weaken us.” Numerous members of parliament have denounced the campaign as un-Australian before mysteriously disappearing. “Un-Australian? The Happy Little Vanomites insure peace at any cost, without idea like love or friendship to taint them. What could be anymore Australian than that?” The General stated.

Making the list included former Australian experimental soldiers that had been enhanced with the element ‘Vanomite,’ a dark ooze-like spore, which the Happy Little Vanomites get their name from. The HLV has requested that The Totally Bitchin’ Age publish some of the groups so citizens have a chance to recognize them

+ The Kellys - Named after the famous outlaw, Ned Kelly and his armour. The Kellys were the bulk of the Australian States army, before the Happy Little Vanomites replaced them. Due to Vanomite experimentation and strict training, combined with their top performance power armour, the Kellys were the greatest soldiers in Australia at the time, possibly even the world, Many Kellys still wear their armour, even after their disbandment and are seen as Robin Hood characters by some. However General Peak insures us the Kelly and any supporters will be dealt with swiftly. They’re some exception to the Kellys such as Baron Von Evil, master of the Von Evil University.

+ The Hoplites – Cloned from the greatest football players in the history of Australia combined with the power on Vanomite, the Hoplites are giants among men. On average, they tend to be about 8 feet and are super humanly strong. They are incredibly war like, forming clans and starting fights with almost anything that displeases them. The Hoplites don armour fashioned after the warrior of ancient Greece or Rome and wear the colour of their clans.

+The Song Vipers – Masters of impossible feats and most often insane, the Song Vipers are easily recognized for wearing Renaissance period carnival outfits, their bizarre body movements and even more minds. Originally made to be Australia’s spies and assassins, they are known for being incredibly flexible due to their extra bone joints in their arms, legs and spines as well as having venomous fangs with has been grated through the power of Vanomite, but as a side effect they are all insane and delight in interfering with other people’s lives causing them joy or pain.

+ The Tech Mages – Through Vanomites the Tech Mages were grated mental powers over machines and are able build, power or sabotage using only a thought. Although most of the former Tech Mages have been contained by the Happy Little Vanomites to maintain the HLV ‘peace-keeping’ machines, pockets of rogue Tech Mages still exist, and consisted top priority for HLV.

These individuals can often be found hiding in the city of Melbourne, as the Happy Little Vanomites are yet to gain full control over the city, due the stubbornness of it’s people. “We only want what’s best for the people of Melbourne, so was ask that they surrender these treats to the peace.” The Happy Little Vanomites have also requested any information on anyone mentioning anything known as ‘The Oasis,’ as such talk could damage the very peace itself.


Some of the ex-soldiers the Happy Little Vanomites will be looking for. From left to right then to the bottom, a Kelly, a Tech Mage, a Song Viper and a Hoplite.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ideas for future Melbourne

Me and Adam walked around today to come up with some ideas of what we wanted in future Melbourne. Here's a quick list.

*A death Ute track in Fed Square.
*Mutated trees with grow spot lights
*Rubbish bin Daleks.
*A South Bank warrior clan made up of Tribes based of shops in the food court.
*Pirates in the Yarra.
*Yarra shuttles fights.
*The metal wire robots on the bridge.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Baron invades Second Life!

I made myself a Baron Von Evil outfit today and gave him a death ray that shoots doughtnuts. Here he is underwater next to some of the doughtnuts he's fired.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Eat at Joe's.

I made a rotating sign today in second life. Sadly there is no 'Joe's' to eat at in real life. We talked about the second life project too. We chose to do my future Melbourne idea, which is pretty awesome.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Some quick reviews.

Just a few quick reviews on some islands in Second Life.

Chi-Ad Eyes of Gaia

Likes: Bright colours, trippy animations, cool dance moves.

Dislike: It could be bigger over than that no problems.

Come Back: Yes

Arcade Radness – video games.

Likes: Mini Games (pin ball, street fighter, shoot-em-up.) The chance to earn money.

Dislikes: The Games can be buggy.

Come back: Yes.

Hell in obscenity.

Likes: Bizarre and gruesome animations like the meat grinder and the pit roast.

Dislikes: The room seemed to be kind of small and plain.

Come Back: I would come back if they made new animations.

I also made tribute bridge to myself.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

De Tower of Power.

We built stuff today in second life. I construed this Tower. It's over 200 Second Life ft tall. The tower is so tall that's it's impossible to fly to the top of it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First Entry.

Today we made our characters for Second Life and messed around with the free stuff. My character is name is Atomic Jacobus AKA The Vic Uni Marine.